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- Sequoia
- You've got a face for a smile you know, a shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly but I've got a world of chances for you -Demi Lovato
- About Sequoia (1)
- Feel like being tickled? (3)
- Let's talk politics :) (2)
- Sequoia Says (6)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Time Travel
Yesterday I was watching Sci Fi Science on the Science Channel and it was like the most amazing thing that was beginning to be discovered. They discovered that in space, time goes by more slowly than on Earth, sooo if you were to spend 10 years in space, when you came back to Earth 70 years would have gone by! :o. Also black holes hold some sort of capability to bend the space-time continum, so that can also send up to the future.. minus the tiny fact that a human would be ripped apart into tiny sub-atomic particles in the process :). Amazing much?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A few weeks ago in my amazing english class, my amazing english teacher asked us to answer the question can a person be born evil. My initial answer was no. I thought that it took some huge traumatic event for a person to become evil. (When I say evil, I mean hugely evil, like serial killer status evil). I felt that everyone was born equal and that people were molded to become who they turn out to be. Then I thought more deeply and I realized that that wasn't so. There are many counter examples to my previous theory, but I won't get into all of them. People can be born evil, and there is a psychological name for these types of people. They are called sociopath. Sociopaths only see self gain, are incapable of giving love, have no conscience and are very manipulative. That kinda sounds like an evil person in my opinion. I think if someone can be born with physical birth-defects, people can also be born with psychological birth-defects. People definitely are not born into the world with a blank slate. I think we are all born with some part of us already developed just like all baby's aren't born the same shape and size and all births don't turn out the same. I think if everybody was born like a blank canvas, we would live in a utopia and there would be no such thing as evil.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Cold Within
Six humans trapped by happenstance, in bleak and bitter cold,
Each one possessed a stick of wood, or so the story's told.
Their dying fire in need of logs, the first man held is back,
For of the faces 'round the fire, he noticed on was black.
The next man looking 'cross the way saw one not of his church,
And couldn't bring himself to give the fire his stick of birch.
The third one sat in tattered clothes, he gave his coat a hitch,
Why should his log be put to use to warm the idle rich?
The rich man just sat back and thought of the wealth he had in store,
And how to keep what he had earned from the lazy, shiftless poor,
The black man's face bespoke revenge as the fire passed from sight,
For all he saw in his stick of wood was a chance to spite the white.
The last man of this forlorn group did naught except for gain,
Giving only to those who gave was how he played the game.
Their logs held tight in death's still hand was proof of human sin,
They didn't die from the cold without-the died from the cold within.
Each one possessed a stick of wood, or so the story's told.
Their dying fire in need of logs, the first man held is back,
For of the faces 'round the fire, he noticed on was black.
The next man looking 'cross the way saw one not of his church,
And couldn't bring himself to give the fire his stick of birch.
The third one sat in tattered clothes, he gave his coat a hitch,
Why should his log be put to use to warm the idle rich?
The rich man just sat back and thought of the wealth he had in store,
And how to keep what he had earned from the lazy, shiftless poor,
The black man's face bespoke revenge as the fire passed from sight,
For all he saw in his stick of wood was a chance to spite the white.
The last man of this forlorn group did naught except for gain,
Giving only to those who gave was how he played the game.
Their logs held tight in death's still hand was proof of human sin,
They didn't die from the cold without-the died from the cold within.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Miley Cyrus
I am extrememly confused as to what Miley has done to the free world? Why do so many people our age hate her? What SPECIFICALLY did she do? Don't give me subjective answers like "she's stupid" or "she can't sing", I want to know what did she do that makes her soooo terrible. I personally love Miley Cyrus and have no idea why others feels so strongly in the opposition. She's just doing her, why don't you do you? I actually think some of it comes from jealously. I mean she's only 17 and she's hugely famous and have so many money revenues that it's redicious. If you could be exactly where she is right now in life, would you? Of course sooo how about we all stop hating on Miley and realize that we want to beee herrr. haha. Ohh and also, don't ever negatively compare Miley to Britney Spears. I adore Britney and I will be greatly offended to hear anything negative about her. JUST LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!! :) goodnight all ♥
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Theory of Predestination and Free Will :)
Mmmkay so the theory of Predestination basically says that it is predeterminded who will reach salvation and who will not. So do I agree with this theory? It's difficult for me to say. I like that think that I am in control of my own destiny and so is everyone around me. Otherwise my actions would control me and if I did something wrong, it would be proof that it was predestined that I would not reach salvation. The thought of predestination seems to put certain people who live a certain way on a pedistal above the rest of us who don't seem to be as lucky as them seeing as they are the "chosen few". The entire concept creates a gap in the social status and contridicts the idea that all men are created equal. What happens when people turn their life around half way through? Would the first half prove that they wouldn't reach salvation, or would the second have prove that they would? The idea seems slightly discriminatory in my mind.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"Be above the battle of good and evil"
Today in english class we watched a movie about politics. The man in the movie, Haidt (pronounced hate :]), explained his theory of liberal vs. conservative. He said that everyone thinks they're right, so its best if we take ourselves out of the battle of good vs evil. He said that liberals claim to be open minded but when they are in a group against conservatives it actually makes them closed minded. His idea that we should all put aside our biases sounds good in theory, but I don't think it actaully works. I relate it to communism. The overall idea was good and had good intentions, but it simply didn't work because it's not how we as humans are programmed to function. Without biases, then what are we? Without choosing a side then we have no voice and no reason to stand up for whats right. I actually tired to be unbiased in a political sense and it was nearly impossible for me to not to say what was right and what wasn't. Being above the battle of good and evil means being above the issues, but when we are above the issues it doesn't mean they go away, and if they don't go away then how do we solve them..?
Monday, November 2, 2009
What has our world come to?
I know that sounds kinda cliche, but honestly sense when can we not go to highschool football games without having to worry about being shot? It could have easily been me that was shot at the game on friday instead of Melody Ross. Some think the shooting was for a gang initiation. The person had to fire into a random group of people to be able to be part of the gang. Gang in general are stupid and are for people who have no family or attention at home. The gang is the closest thing to a family they know and I really wish people didn't have to go through such hardships in life. Although I can empathize, it doesn't excuse the fact that a 16 year old girl with her entire life ahead of her is now gone. It brings me tremendous pain to imagine the trauma that has been thrust upon her friends and family. I wish only the best for them and I thank God that it wasn't me or someone I know. I certainly could not have handled it.
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