About Me

- Sequoia
- You've got a face for a smile you know, a shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly but I've got a world of chances for you -Demi Lovato
- About Sequoia (1)
- Feel like being tickled? (3)
- Let's talk politics :) (2)
- Sequoia Says (6)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Time Travel
Yesterday I was watching Sci Fi Science on the Science Channel and it was like the most amazing thing that was beginning to be discovered. They discovered that in space, time goes by more slowly than on Earth, sooo if you were to spend 10 years in space, when you came back to Earth 70 years would have gone by! :o. Also black holes hold some sort of capability to bend the space-time continum, so that can also send up to the future.. minus the tiny fact that a human would be ripped apart into tiny sub-atomic particles in the process :). Amazing much?