I know that sounds kinda cliche, but honestly sense when can we not go to highschool football games without having to worry about being shot? It could have easily been me that was shot at the game on friday instead of Melody Ross. Some think the shooting was for a gang initiation. The person had to fire into a random group of people to be able to be part of the gang. Gang in general are stupid and are for people who have no family or attention at home. The gang is the closest thing to a family they know and I really wish people didn't have to go through such hardships in life. Although I can empathize, it doesn't excuse the fact that a 16 year old girl with her entire life ahead of her is now gone. It brings me tremendous pain to imagine the trauma that has been thrust upon her friends and family. I wish only the best for them and I thank God that it wasn't me or someone I know. I certainly could not have handled it.
About Me

- Sequoia
- You've got a face for a smile you know, a shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly but I've got a world of chances for you -Demi Lovato
- About Sequoia (1)
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Monday, November 2, 2009
What has our world come to?
I know that sounds kinda cliche, but honestly sense when can we not go to highschool football games without having to worry about being shot? It could have easily been me that was shot at the game on friday instead of Melody Ross. Some think the shooting was for a gang initiation. The person had to fire into a random group of people to be able to be part of the gang. Gang in general are stupid and are for people who have no family or attention at home. The gang is the closest thing to a family they know and I really wish people didn't have to go through such hardships in life. Although I can empathize, it doesn't excuse the fact that a 16 year old girl with her entire life ahead of her is now gone. It brings me tremendous pain to imagine the trauma that has been thrust upon her friends and family. I wish only the best for them and I thank God that it wasn't me or someone I know. I certainly could not have handled it.