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- Sequoia
- You've got a face for a smile you know, a shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly but I've got a world of chances for you -Demi Lovato
- About Sequoia (1)
- Feel like being tickled? (3)
- Let's talk politics :) (2)
- Sequoia Says (6)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"Be above the battle of good and evil"
Today in english class we watched a movie about politics. The man in the movie, Haidt (pronounced hate :]), explained his theory of liberal vs. conservative. He said that everyone thinks they're right, so its best if we take ourselves out of the battle of good vs evil. He said that liberals claim to be open minded but when they are in a group against conservatives it actually makes them closed minded. His idea that we should all put aside our biases sounds good in theory, but I don't think it actaully works. I relate it to communism. The overall idea was good and had good intentions, but it simply didn't work because it's not how we as humans are programmed to function. Without biases, then what are we? Without choosing a side then we have no voice and no reason to stand up for whats right. I actually tired to be unbiased in a political sense and it was nearly impossible for me to not to say what was right and what wasn't. Being above the battle of good and evil means being above the issues, but when we are above the issues it doesn't mean they go away, and if they don't go away then how do we solve them..?