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- Sequoia
- You've got a face for a smile you know, a shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly but I've got a world of chances for you -Demi Lovato
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- Sequoia Says (6)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A few weeks ago in my amazing english class, my amazing english teacher asked us to answer the question can a person be born evil. My initial answer was no. I thought that it took some huge traumatic event for a person to become evil. (When I say evil, I mean hugely evil, like serial killer status evil). I felt that everyone was born equal and that people were molded to become who they turn out to be. Then I thought more deeply and I realized that that wasn't so. There are many counter examples to my previous theory, but I won't get into all of them. People can be born evil, and there is a psychological name for these types of people. They are called sociopath. Sociopaths only see self gain, are incapable of giving love, have no conscience and are very manipulative. That kinda sounds like an evil person in my opinion. I think if someone can be born with physical birth-defects, people can also be born with psychological birth-defects. People definitely are not born into the world with a blank slate. I think we are all born with some part of us already developed just like all baby's aren't born the same shape and size and all births don't turn out the same. I think if everybody was born like a blank canvas, we would live in a utopia and there would be no such thing as evil.