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- Sequoia
- You've got a face for a smile you know, a shame you waste it when you're breaking me slowly but I've got a world of chances for you -Demi Lovato
- About Sequoia (1)
- Feel like being tickled? (3)
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- Sequoia Says (6)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Teen Girls
Why has it become okay for teenaged girls to be sluts that are constantly under the influence? The party girl image seems to be praised by our generation. why is that cool all of a sudden? I personally think it's disgusting, annoying, and shows self esteem issues. Girls think that having oral sex with a boy will make the boy "love" them. If you have to go through such extents to get love, then you obviously aren't getting the love you need at home. Oral sex is risky.. sex in general is risky. No contraceptive is 100% effective or safe and what if something goes wrong? I'm not saying that sex is bad, but if you choose to have sex, make sure you can handle the consequences. This includes the emotional attachment that comes along with it. What if those feelings aren't reciprocated? Then what? Be smart, not a steriotype. ♥